
Web Sites, Pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, Bran­ding und Print: Made in Germany

Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on design from Germany.

A wide ran­ge of adver­ti­sing materials.

Pro­fes­sio­nal Web Design

print design


Web­sites, print and Cor­po­ra­te Design – made in ger­ma­ny: The agen­turblank is a crea­ti­ve medi­um Design enter­pri­se with seat in the Hes­sen metro­po­lis Frankfurt/Main. Our offices are loca­ted behind the clas­sic brick faca­des of the Cas­sel­la­park, oppo­si­te the Klassikstadt.
We deve­lop brands with asso­cia­ted digi­tal design of all adver­ti­sing media. From cor­po­ra­te design, print design and web­site deve­lo­p­ment, through the crea­ti­on of pho­tos and texts, to image films, you get ever­y­thing “hand-in-hand”. Ever­y­thing from one agency.
Ano­ther of our main focu­ses is the pro­duc­tion of “toucha­ble” adver­ti­sing, such as fly­ers, annu­al reports, bro­chu­res, pack­a­ging, etc.

In addi­ti­on to pro­fes­sio­nal, attrac­ti­ve design, we want to remain true to our phi­lo­so­phy of always desig­ning web­sites, pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and print ele­ments with a high degree of user-fri­en­d­­li­­ne­ss. The art is to crea­te more with less. Puristic and clean. And yet still catch the eye of the behol­der and arou­se curio­si­ty. We tre­at our cli­ents’ orders as if it were our own bran­ding for which we work. Always with heart and pas­si­on for crea­ti­vi­ty and atten­ti­on to detail. We are always the­re for our cli­ents and we also deal with urgent requests.
We have a broad port­fo­lio of cli­ents from a wide ran­ge of indus­tries. And we sup­port various agen­ci­es in their work.