Web Design
From the landing page to the online store.

Web Design. Made in Germany.

Web­sites, Online Shops, Mar­ke­ting, SEO

Web Design Frank­furt. We crea­te pro­fes­sio­nal web­sites for our cus­to­mers, with clear designs and user-fri­en­d­­ly inter­faces. We deve­lop web­sites in dif­fe­rent styl­es, sui­ta­ble for the respec­ti­ve indus­try. With years of expe­ri­ence we have always kept up with the times. We crea­te modern web­pages, con­tem­po­ra­ry in their func­tion­a­li­ty, “respon­si­ve” adapt­ed to all devices and search engi­ne opti­mi­zed. Becau­se SEO is the key to the suc­cess of your website.

Online stores (web­shop / e‑commerce) are also important eco­no­mic pil­lars for which we would be hap­py to be your deve­lo­pers. We would like to crea­te an attrac­ti­ve appearance for you, with heart, pas­si­on and a sen­se for fresh design ide­as. Our pre­fer­red sys­tem is Word­Press, a pro­fes­sio­nal web­site soft­ware that ser­ves as a full-fle­d­­ged con­tent manage­ment sys­tem (CMS). Wri­te us!

Mobi­le First

Today, more users surf via mobi­le devices than via con­ven­tio­nal desk­top PCs. “Mobi­le First” is the keyword.
Sin­ce we have been buil­ding web­sites “respon­si­ve” wit­hout it for years, i.e. adapt­ed to the dif­fe­rent media, we are of cour­se par­ti­cu­lar­ly ela­bo­ra­te in the smart­phone ver­si­on in por­trait mode. For one thing, the chall­enge is a grea­ter one. The but­ton that was per­fect­ly sui­ted for the desk­top may no lon­ger fit on the nar­row screen. In the best case, the pho­to gal­lery may only have one or two colum­ns. And the loa­ding times should be kept par­ti­cu­lar­ly short in mobi­le are­as and so on. And on the other hand, ever­yo­ne uses it by now. Smart­phones are being used for the Inter­net more than ever befo­re. And it is going up and up. We build your web­site adapt­ed to the smart­phone. Wri­te Us!

Respon­si­ve Webdesign.

Web­pages, adapt­ed on all screens.

Respon­si­ve web­sites are pages adapt­ed to dif­fe­rent end devices. In recent years this point beca­me more and more important when crea­ting a web­page. Users are using their tablet or smart­phone more and more to surf the Inter­net. The bet­ter, che­a­per and fas­ter con­nec­tions make this pos­si­ble. In order to make web­sites user-fri­en­d­­ly, the pages have to be adjus­ted on the dif­fe­rent screens. This means that you should be able to view the infor­ma­ti­on on your home PC and on a smal­ler note­book just as well as on smart­phones and tablets. It also means that the web­site should be per­fect­ly ali­gned in por­trait mode and in land­scape view. The respon­si­ve web design is now so important that even Goog­le pre­fers web­sites that are crea­ted responsive.
And ano­ther inte­res­t­ing point: More users now use smart­phones and tablets than the tra­di­tio­nal desk­top PC. This is cal­led “Mobi­le First”.
Respon­si­ve Web­sites. A few years ago it was still a ques­ti­on of faith. Today a must: Wri­te us!.

Word­Press | A decla­ra­ti­on of love.

Word­Press. Ori­gi­nal­ly the sys­tem was deve­lo­ped as a web­log. Many years later Word­Press has estab­lished its­elf as a pro­fes­sio­nal web­site soft­ware and can be used as a full-fle­d­­ged con­tent manage­ment sys­tem (CMS). You can crea­te dif­fe­rent users / employees with cus­to­mi­zed access rights. Ther­eby your online-pre­­sence will not only reflect the pro­fes­sio­na­lism of your com­pa­ny, but you can also update the web­page inde­pendent­ly. Chan­ge your Pages any­ti­me and any­whe­re. </All you need is a Inter­net access. You can even update the pages via Smart­phone (cell pho­ne) the contents.
Through the offers of count­less free or inex­pen­si­ve plug­ins, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel for every modu­le. Here you can save time and money. With the Word­Press sys­tem you can now crea­te abso­lut­e­ly high-qua­­li­­ty, con­tem­po­ra­ry web­sites. And it is con­stant­ly being fur­ther developed.
We love WordPress.

The advan­ta­ges of a Word­Press website

  • Modern
  • Cle­ar­ly arranged
  • User-fri­en­d­­ly
  • fle­xi­ble
  • indi­vi­du­al
  • dyna­mic
  • Respon­si­ve
  • Easy to update
  • Time saving
  • cost saving


Increase of success.

Online mar­ke­ting is all about rea­ching more users on the World­Wi­de­Web. Whe­ther search engi­ne mar­ke­ting, e‑mail mar­ke­ting or social media mar­ke­ting, the focus of every effort should always be a spe­ci­fic goal, such as incre­asing visi­tors, page views, etc.
To achie­ve the­se goals you can use search engi­nes like Goog­le, Bing etc., social media (Face­book, Insta­gram etc.), email lists and/or your own website.
The goal of mar­ke­ting is to increase the con­ver­si­on rate.
Con­ver­si­on is the trans­for­ma­ti­on of a user’s sta­tus into a new sta­tus. For exam­p­le, the con­ver­si­on of an inte­res­ted user of your web­site who beco­mes a customer.

The tar­get:

Increase the fol­lo­wing points.

  • Pages sta­tis­tics
  • Sales
  • Down­loads
  • Cont­act requests
  • Regis­tra­ti­on

Advan­ta­ges of online marketing

In con­trast to clas­si­cal adver­ti­sing mea­su­res, online mar­ke­ting offers a num­ber of important advantages.

  1. Low scat­te­ring los­ses through tar­ge­ted tar­ge­ting.
    With online cam­paigns you can defi­ne your tar­get group pre­cis­e­ly. Chan­nels such as Goog­le Adwords or Face­book offer, among other things, the pos­si­bi­li­ty to spe­ci­fy the age, pro­fes­si­on, inte­rests, place of resi­dence, edu­ca­ti­on and rela­ti­onship sta­tus of the tar­get group.
  2. Full cost control.
    For exam­p­le, you only pay if someone clicks on your adver­ti­se­ment. This means that cos­ts are only incur­red for access by users, which can also be con­ver­ted into customers.
  3. Pre­cise mea­su­re­ments possible.
    The suc­cess of the cam­paigns can be pre­cis­e­ly recor­ded sta­tis­ti­cal­ly using sophisti­ca­ted track­ing technologies.
  4. Fle­xi­ble adaptation.
    The texts, images, bud­ge­ting and deli­very can be chan­ged and adapt­ed at any time.

Inter­net Mar­ke­ting Mix

In digi­tal mar­ke­ting, it is important to iden­ti­fy your tar­get group and reach them at the cru­cial point with tar­ge­ted mes­sa­ges. The­re are various levers that can be set in moti­on to achie­ve this. For exam­p­le, search engi­ne opti­miza­ti­on (SEO), con­tent mar­ke­ting, PPC adver­ti­sing (pay per click adver­ti­sing), social media or e‑mail mar­ke­ting. Our goal is to find the right stra­tegy for your busi­ness model.
Our offer is aimed at the self-employ­ed, start-ups and small and medi­um-sized com­pa­nies. The­se can be com­pa­ny web­sites, blogs or online stores.
We are your part­ner for the fol­lo­wing pro­ducts: Online stores, search engi­ne opti­miza­ti­on (SEO), news­let­ters, web­site texts (con­tent), landing pages, desk­top ads and ana­ly­tics reporting.
Make your indi­ca­ti­ve request.

Sell online — web­shop for phy­si­cal or vir­tu­al products

Do you need a com­for­ta­ble online store that is easy to mana­ge? We offer you a prac­­ti­ce-pro­­ven solu­ti­on with

  • maxi­mum pro­fit participation,
  • simp­le admi­nis­tra­ti­on and
  • auto­ma­ted orde­ring and pay­ment processes.

The user can order your pro­duct direct­ly via the web­site. For down­loads, the pro­cess is ful­ly auto­ma­ted. After the order is pla­ced, the buy­er can pay via a pay­ment pro­vi­der such as Pay­Pal or Stri­pe (alter­na­tively, invoice or clas­sic bank trans­fer are also pos­si­ble) and will then auto­ma­ti­cal­ly recei­ve the order con­fir­ma­ti­on, invoice and download.
They do not have to do any­thing, recei­ve a con­fir­ma­ti­on email from the store with all rele­vant infor­ma­ti­on about the order and can track all pro­ces­ses online.
In the case of phy­si­cal pro­ducts, the store will also inform you in good time if the­re is a shorta­ge of goods.
Of cour­se you can adjust and chan­ge your pri­ces and pro­ducts at any time.

Fur­ther advantages:

The store is adapt­ed to smart­phones and tablets in terms of dis­play and ope­ra­ti­on. In addi­ti­on, each pro­duct page can be opti­mi­zed for search engi­nes. In addi­ti­on to the pro­duct pages, the­re is also an over­view page, cate­go­ry pages and a shop­ping cart function.
Our web­shop solu­ti­on is also desi­gned for the Ger­man mar­ket. All texts have been trans­la­ted, the VAT is shown cor­rect­ly and a revo­ca­ti­on ins­truc­tion is also available.