Iden­ti­ty cri­sis? Not with us.

Cor­po­ra­te Design. Cor­po­ra­te Identity.

We crea­te your branding.

No ques­ti­on: The logo, the Cor­po­ra­te Iden­ti­ty (ci), the word-pic­­tu­­re-mark (also pic­­tu­­re-word-mark), which reflects the iden­ti­ty of your enter­pri­se, is the most important thing at first. All other things — adver­ti­sing mate­ri­al such as busi­ness cards, fly­ers, web­site and so on — are based on your com­pa­ny logo and build on it. We crea­te the indi­vi­du­al trade­mark for your com­pa­ny, your pro­duct, your idea. We deter­mi­ne colors and shapes accor­ding to tra­di­ti­ons, phi­lo­so­phies and tar­get groups, sug­gest fonts and, if desi­red, take care of the crea­ti­on of all adver­ti­sing material.

We con­vert the­se cha­rac­te­ristics into a sui­ta­ble over­all com­pa­ny design, the cor­po­ra­te design (cd). We also refresh exis­ting com­pa­ny logos and rede­sign your adver­ti­sing pro­ducts. In recent years we have sup­port­ed num­e­rous busi­ness start-ups and suc­cessful­ly crea­ted gra­phic reco­gni­ti­on. By the way: We also offer com­ple­te packa­ges for busi­ness start-ups. Wri­te us!

Some bran­dings from our company

 Com­pa­nies, start-ups and agen­ci­es that need sup­port can cont­act us by mail: