The agen­turblank has its head­quar­ters in Frankfurt/Main, Germany.


Cas­sel­la­stra­ße 30 – 32

60386 Frankfurt/Main
Tele­fon: +49 69 366 0 757 – 2

About the Cassellapark

The Cas­sel­la­park in Fran­k­­furt-Fechen­heim is a small com­mer­cial town with the charm of a for­mer fac­to­ry. Behind the clas­sic brick faca­des, peo­p­le work in reno­va­ted, spa­cious offices and lofts. The rooms have high cei­lings and their cha­rac­te­risti­cal­ly lar­ge win­dow are­as pro­vi­de a light-floo­­ded feel-good ambience.
In the Cas­sel­la­stra­ße busi­ness park, his­to­ri­cal brick roman­ti­cism meets pro­gres­si­ve rede­sign, with a love of detail.
The diver­si­ty of ten­ants is what makes this small, lively com­mer­cial town so spe­cial. From one-man busi­nesses to medi­um-sized com­pa­nies, from crea­ti­ve minds to non-pro­­fit asso­cia­ti­ons: Cas­sel­la­park links a colourful net­work of ten­ants. Among them is the agen­cy blank. To be gra­teful to be a part of this exci­ting com­mer­cial “litt­le town”.

About Frank­furt

We have been based in Frank­furt am Main sin­ce 2017. Our agen­cy is loca­ted in Fran­k­­furt-Fechen­heim, in Cas­sel­la­park. The­re we are inspi­red by the sky­line, the river and the colorful life of the city. At Cas­sel­la­park we bene­fit from the syn­er­gy effects of our fri­end­ly office neigh­bors. Frank­furt is the lar­gest city in Hes­sen, young, dyna­mic, fast and modern on the one hand. Cosy, tra­di­tio­nal, rustic and his­to­ri­cal on the other. The city has more than 700.000 inha­bi­tants. The infra­struc­tu­re allows the quick achie­ve­ment of all desti­na­ti­ons within the city and its sur­roun­dings. But you can also cross Frank­furt on foot in 15 minu­tes. The city has one of the world’s lar­gest air­ports and is also a Euro­pean traf­fic junc­tion becau­se of its cen­tral loca­ti­on. Bes­i­des old buil­dings, it has num­e­rous modern sky­scra­pers and the­se are among the hig­hest in Euro­pe. Frank­furt am Main is an important inter­na­tio­nal finan­cial cen­ter and is a renow­ned trade fair city.

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Com­pa­nies, start-ups and agen­ci­es that need sup­port can cont­act us by e‑mail: E‑Mail.